AD Rich Drops
- Support for a Healthy Immune System
- It Contributes To Healthy Development Of Teeth And Bones
- Promotes Healthy Vision
اسٹاک میں

عام طور پر، شپنگ کا وقت 3 سے 4 کام کے دنوں میں ہوتا ہے۔
روپے سے زیادہ کے آرڈر پر مفت ڈیلیوری 1999
Nutritions In Every Drop
AD Rich drops provides lots of good things to babies. As it contains the power of 3 essential vitamins, vitamin A,E and D that helps them grow well. These vitamins are super important for making their bones strong, helping them fight off sicknesses, and making sure their eyes work properly. Vitamin D helps their bodies use calcium and phosphorus, which are like building blocks for strong bones and teeth. These drops also make their skin stay nice and can help stop skin problems. So, giving babies these drops helps them be strong and healthy as they grow up.
1-2 drops a day or as advised
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